Martha Dandridge Curtis Washington
Mrs. George Washington, First Lady 1789 - 1797.
Abigail Smith Adams
Mrs. John Adams. First Lady 1797-1801.
Dorothea (Dolley) Payne Madison
Mrs. James Madison, First Lady 1813-1817
Elizabeth Kortright Monroe
Mrs. James Monroe, First Lady 1817-1825.
Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams
Mrs. John Quincy Adams, First Lady 1825 - 1829.
Emily Tennessee Donelson
Niece to Andrew Jackson (whose wife Rachel Donelson Jackson died before he took office), Acting First Lady 1829-1834.
Sarah Angelica Van Buren
Daughter In-law to President Martin Van Buren, Acting First Lady 1837 - 1841.
Jane Harrison
Daughter In-law to President William Henry Harrison, Acting First Lady 1841.
Letitia Christian Tyler
Mrs. John Tyler. First Lady 1841-1842.
Julia Gardiner Tyler
Mrs John Tyler (2nd Wife) First Lady 1844 - 1845.
Sarah Childress Polk
Mrs. James K. Polk, First Lady 1845 - 1849.
Margaret Mackall Smith Taylor
Mrs. Zachary Taylor. First Lady 1849-1850.
Abigail Powers Fillmore
Mrs. Millard Fillmore, First Lady 1850-1853.
Jane Means Appleton Pierce
Mrs. Franklin Pierce, First Lady 1853-1857.
Harriet Rebecca Lane Johnston
President James Buchanan was unmarried, Acting First Lady 1857-1861.
Mary Todd Lincoln
Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, First Lady 1861 - 1865.
Eliza McCardle Johnson
Mrs. Andrew Johnson, First Lady 1865-1869.
Julia Dent Grant
Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant. First Lady 1869-1877.
Lucy Webb Hayes
Mrs. Rutherford Birchard Hayes, First Lady 1877-1881.
Lucretia Rudolph Garfield
Mrs. James A. Gardner, First Lady 1881.
Mary McElroy
Sister to President Chester A. Arthur. Acting First Lady 1881-1885.
Frances Folsom Cleveland
Mrs. Grover Cleveland, First Lady 1885-1889 and 1893-1897.
Caroline Lavinia Scott Harrison
Mrs. Benjamin Harrison. First Lady 1889-1892. Their daughter Mary Harrison McKee (pictured in background) served as hostess the last two months after her mother’s death in October 1892.
Ladies of the White House