Outlines by Mochi.

Welcome to “Outlines by Mochi,” the official web site devoted to the life and artwork of the late artist, Ugo Mochi. Outlines by Mochi, LLC began in 2014. We hold the exclusive licensing agreement to offer reproductions of the artist’s unique works. Many already know about the Mochi work through past exhibitions, lectures and his beautiful animal illustrations. Our website is designed to reach a much wider audience. Whether you are already an admirer of Mochi’s work or are just finding out now about this remarkable artist, there is much for you to enjoy and learn from visiting us.
Learn about Mochi’s interesting life, peruse his artistic accomplishments, and hear him talk about his work and technique. Enjoy the gallery showcasing many of his works. Our shop offers a variety of Mochi images finely reproduced. They can be purchased framed or unframed. We will continue to add to “Outlines by Mochi” over the coming months, so please visit us often..