Marsilio Ficino Silk Mosaics
Previously unpublished works commissioned in 1921
Marsilio Ficino was a philosopher, theologian and founder of the Platonic Academy in Florence during the Renaissance. The members of the Academy studied the writings of Plato and other Greek thinkers. Ficino influenced European thought for several centuries through his translations of Plato’s writings from Greek into Latin. Ficino was also the tutor to Lorenzo and Guiliano de’Medici.
These Ficino panels began with the same Mochi signature black cut scene. Behind the scene were placed many colored pieces of silk. To show shading and shadows, cutout pieces of light colored paper were placed behind the layers of silks. Each finished work was encased between two pieces of glass. When lighted from behind these panels resemble stained glass windows backlit by the sun.

Part of a larger commission, these works were to be placed in a large chandelier, which the artist also designed, in the library of the gentleman’s villa near Florence. Mochi was now living in Pallanza, Italy on Lago Maggiore. At the end of the two years these works were created (1921-1923), the gentleman went bankrupt. With no payment received, the works remained in the artist’s collection. Thus we are able to share these unique and beautiful works with all of you.